Marathon Results and Photos

Boston Marathon
Results - April 2007 |
Franz completed the 111th Boston Marathon, along
with 21,000 other runners. The weather was very stormy, with a mixture of rain, strong headwinds and cold. His splits and overall
results are shown below. All splits are Net time (chip time). Franz was off his PR pace, but fast enough to qualify to run Boston again. The division was 50-59 males. |
13281 Kelsch, Franz 59 M Gilroy CA USA |
0:27:07 |
0:52:22 |
1:14:04 |
1:44:01 |
1:49:33 |
2:09:56 |
2:36:12 |
3:02:17 |
3:28:36 |
0:08:24 |
3:40:04 |
7997 |
6267 |
810 |
The chart below shows the 5K splits vs. time in minutes, showing a rather consistent pace during the entire marathon. |

Arizona Marathon
Results - January 2007 |
Name |
Bib |
Age |
Chip Time |
Clock Time |
Overall |
SexPl |
DivPl |
Sara Wilhem |
2317 |
28 |
3:24:10 |
3:25:06 |
547 |
77 |
21 |
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St. George Marathon
Results - October 2006 |
John Kelsch |
Division: Male 30-34
Race Number: 692
Chip Time: 3h:22m:49s
Pace: 7:44 |
Place in Division |
76th place with 284 finishers behind. About 21% of finishers ahead. |
Franz Kelsch |
Division: Male 55-59
Race Number: 1648
Chip Time: 3h:35m:7s
Pace 8:12 |
Place in Division |
26th place with 161 finishers behind. About 13% of finishers ahead. |
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Boston Marathon
Results - April 2005 |
Sara completed the 109th Boston Marathon, along
with 20,000 other runners. Only the top runners are able to enter
the Boston Marathon due to the difficult qualifying times needed.
Even amongst this group of top runners, she finished in the top quartile
for females, ages 18-39 and set a new PR. Her splits and overall
results are shown below. All splits are Net time (chip time). |
9833 Wilhelm, Sara A. 26 F
Gaithersburg MD USA
0:24:08 |
0:48:57 |
1:14:04 |
1:39:44 |
1:45:16 |
2:05:27 |
2:31:48 |
2:57:57 |
3:23:48 |
0:08:12 |
3:47:22 |
3:34:59 |
6042 |
1059 |
842 |
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Salt Lake
City Marathon
Results - April 2005 |
3,000 runners participated in the 2005 Salt Lake City Marathon.
Franz had trained well for the marathon distance but running at altitude
and the long downhill descent in the first several miles that took a
real toll on his legs by mile 16. He
was able to maintain the sub 9 minute pace through the 21 mile mark, but
leg cramping had a major impact on the finish time. |
Franz KELSCH | Bib #2379 | Gilroy, CA |
Age 572 | M |
Time |
Chip Time: 04:20:10 |
04:20:58 |
9:55 |
Placement |
1321/2928 |
965/1667 |
23/71 |
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Richmond VA Marathon
Results - November 2004 |
Celebrating its 27th anniversary, the
SunTrust Richmond Marathon prides itself as "America's Friendliest
Marathon". Sara ran in record time, setting a new PR and qualified to
run the Boston Marathon, which she is considering to do. She came
in 16th place in her age group, compared with her father's performance
in the Chicago Marathon of 218th place. She must have got her
genes from her mother!
Place |
Name |
Bib # |
Age |
Div Place |
Gender Place |
Half Split |
20 Mile Split |
Clock Time |
Chip Time |
Pace |
480 |
654 |
26 |
16 |
85 |
1:41:15 |
2:37:03 |
3:30:01 |
3:29:47 |
8:00.9 |
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Chicago Marathon
Results - October 2004 |
40,000 runners participated in the 2004 Chicago Marathon and an
estimated one millions spectators watched. John set a new PR.
Despite dealing with a running injury, Franz was able to complete the
marathon, but was a bit off of his goal of breaking 4 hours. He
was right on target through the half way mark, but after the 20th mile
the left Achilles tendon, coupled with some leg cramps (possibly due to
favoring that leg) forced him to slow the pace considerably. |
MI - USA | Age 32 | M |
10K |
15K |
20K |
25K |
30K |
35K |
40K |
8:01:03 AM CT |
00:47:41 |
01:11:34 |
01:35:02 |
01:40:12 |
01:58:20 |
02:22:12 |
02:47:55 |
03:16:15 |
03:29:06 |
Time |
Chip Time:
03:29:06 |
03:30:09 |
Pace: 7:58 |
Placement |
Overall: 3472 |
Gender: 3020 |
Division: 545 |
FRANZ KELSCH | Bib #17501 | GILROY, CA -
USA | Age 56 | M |
10K |
15K |
20K |
25K |
30K |
35K |
40K |
8:08:43 AM CT |
00:57:31 |
01:24:55 |
01:52:30 |
01:58:48 |
02:20:34 |
02:49:21 |
03:18:50 |
03:53:03 |
04:07:49 |
Time |
Chip Time:
04:07:49 |
04:16:32 |
Pace: 9:27 |
Placement |
12401 |
Gender: 9100 |
Division: 218 |
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